Nguyễn Quang Vĩnh1,, Phạm Bá Nhất2, Nguyễn Đức Sơn2, Nguyễn Thu Hà2
1 University of Labour and Social Affairs
2 Thanh Dong University

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The objective of the study is to evaluate the factors affecting the behavior intention of nurses to study master's degree in Hai Duong province and surroundings. 370 Survey samples were collected and analyzed; PLS-SEM method was used to test 6 hypotheses. The research results show that 5/6 hypotheses are accepted: Subjective norm has a significant impact on the perceived value and behavioral intention. Besides perceived behavioral control also has a significant impact on perceived value. The study also showed a significant impact of attitude on perceived value and behavioral intention. The results show that perceived Value has a strong impact behavioral intention. However, the study did not find the impact of perceived behavioral control on thebehavioral intention, which leads to the rejection of hypothesis H4. Discussions on the contribution of the study, limitations of the study, and suggestions for further research are also included in this study.

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